Remember When

Remember When

(15 Imaerasta 5115, Ta’Illistim) Oh, what a year! It seems almost impossible she could be the same, scared young bardess who was guided from Ta’Vaalor to the Landing a year ago by the Travel Agency. A Year and A Day: the traditional period of contracts. She had been under no agreement, however, only one of her own goals. She took a bit of time in the early of the morning to think about what had transpired since the time...

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Sail Away

Sail Away

(6 Imaerasta 5115, The Island) She should ask if that would be the last trip of the season to the Island. But she was afraid of the answer. The Frontier Days Festival ended the night before. She knew her visit in the Landing was nearing an end, as well the time at the Island. It had been a fun time during the busy Festival celebrations. She picked up a new winter coat, some sandals, collected some ideas for the wedding, made new...

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