
(3 Charlatos 5115; moments after midnight, an aside from the Harp)

Her arms rock me with every measure; her fingers graze across my strings, fated to lift me to heights I could never reach without her. I hear her queries to me: in her voice, in her music, in her body.

I offer her my best, and there, she sings the descant with me, moving around my offered notes with a tender grace. Ach! I reach once more for her…

“Yes … yes! Beloved, hear me, trust me. Lead me, I am all for you, with you. I am yours. Be mine?”

There is a wistful sigh upon her breath, and her music turns to a brilliant phrase. I wonder if that is an answer. No, she continues to play. It is the promise of an answer, she teases me so!

The insistent beat becomes my bane;

O, how do I live through this?

This ache, for her, consumes me!

Author: GSBardess

A young bardess named Luxelle is currently learning her trade and hoping to one day make a name for her songs in GemStone IV. Follow along with her adventures in life and song.

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