Falling Stars

(9 Olaesta 5115; during the false dawn, an aside from the Harp)

Stars fell into almost dawn’s fire as she wrought music from me I did not know I could even conceive. Phrases that are deep in wonder, weightless as magic, and driving our song to a new, immersive work of layered inspirations. I tell her my pleasure in this. She seems to warm to me for an instant. I sing her name. I sing my name; I sing my love of her in ardent reaches of swelling power. No response from her can I hear, alas.

For only her, I sing;

Sing because. Now want is become need,

Always, I am only hers.


Author: GSBardess

A young bardess named Luxelle is currently learning her trade and hoping to one day make a name for her songs in GemStone IV. Follow along with her adventures in life and song.

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