My First Tip

(25th of Eoantos 5114, The Landing)

It was a busy evening in Town Square under the Tree. The man introduced himself to me, Komoki he said his name was, and asked if I would sing to a pin he found.

“I can try, but in the scope of things, I am one very little bardess,” I replied to him. He offered me the pin in spite of the warning.

So I proceeded with the loresinging. I should have gone somewhere quieter. Live and learn, right? It was nerve-wracking to do this on demand in a busy place. But I went ahead and sang it. In common, right in front of everyone.

It was, indeed, a magical pin. The amethyst in it was stunning. And the secret it held was a holy spell.

I relayed the information to Komoki as the pin sang it to me, and offered it back to him. He thanked me and then slipped a tip in my pocket for doing it! I was so surprised. This was my first tip!

Author: GSBardess

A young bardess named Luxelle is currently learning her trade and hoping to one day make a name for her songs in GemStone IV. Follow along with her adventures in life and song.

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