You Never Forget Your First

(29 Imaerasta 5114: Ta’Vaalor)

Dear Mother and Father,

I finished it! The song for my Patroness, Iniania. I gave it to her this evening. I was nearly bursting at the seams until she got to town.

I called the song Lady of the Sands, because that must be where she is from. I’m going to sketch it below for your critique, Mother.

Lady of the Sands is scribbled here on the parchment.

It was so exciting to give it to her before I left town. I learned so much writing it. It took me a few days, and was nowhere as easy as other songs were for me. She seemed genuinely pleased, and granted me permission to sing it elsewhere.

I can’t wait to sing it for you, too.

Last night I dreamed of a glorious song. I could not quite catch it when I awoke, but I will keep trying. Should I pray, meditate, make an offering, or what should I do to help this, Father? Mother? What do you do when this happens to you?

Love you, miss you!



Author: GSBardess

A young bardess named Luxelle is currently learning her trade and hoping to one day make a name for her songs in GemStone IV. Follow along with her adventures in life and song.

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